
Golang Vs Python – Speed Comparison

Golang is 30 times faster than Python. The reason for this fast speed is the Golang support concurrency that executed faster calculations than Python. So, when it comes to speed, Golang wins over Python. There are various other factors to consider when discussing Golang Vs Python

Golang is an excellent choice for fast and accurate performance and results. Golang can handle server-side scripts faster than most other languages. It features a very high-performance concurrency. Golang is one of the fastest operating programming languages.

Python is still a favorite for many programmers. They love to use Python because they have probably been using it for too long or because they have learned to program based on Python. Golang, on the other hand, is a new-age language with plenty of added features. The best part is that Golang has cropped up as a solution mitigating many loopholes of the previously occurring languages. Statistics say that more than 44.1 % of programmers prefer Python over everything else. But the performance curve of Golang is genuinely optimistic.

Comparing Golang and Python

Let us now look closely at some of the contrasting features of both languages – Golang and Python and try to figure out which is better.

Golang is more accessible to learn than Python. This is probably because Golang uses simpler syntaxes, which is an excellent choice for newbie programmers. On the other hand, Python is a little more complex than the traditional learning model. One has to practice and spend time on Python to be able to handle it well.

Golang is also better in the case of Security. It uses high-end security features, which are simply awesome. That in no way makes it difficult or complex. The integrated garbage collector feature of Golang is handy and prevents any trash memory built duo. It is a structural language that is intelligently divided for better functioning.

Golang is more of a procedural language that is well suited for API development and micro services. Python on the other hand is more object-oriented and has greater applications for backend development.

Final words

It is really hard to say which language is better than the other one because Golang and Python are the best in their respective domains. When it comes to speed, Golang is better. Python remains the favorite of programmers because it is more extensive and has wider applications.

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