
What Exactly Is VR And Where Is It Applied?


The term VR; coined by Jaron Lanier was first used in the mid 1980’s. Ever since then; virtual reality has been a topic of interest and has undergone several evolutions to exist in the form that we see today. VR or Virtual reality in simple terms is a computer-generated artificial environment which is three-dimensional and can be interacted with or explored by the audience. It is a version of reality that is perceived to be real when in true sense it is not. 

How is virtual reality experienced? 

Virtual reality is an illusion created through the implementation of computer technology. A range of integrated systems are employed comprehensively to create a perception of reality. A few components utilized in the execution of VR are- headsets, omni-directional treadmills, special gloves, and so on. A simulated environment is created by combining hardware and software to furnish immersive experience by deceiving the eyes and brain. Hardware facilitates the sensory stimulation which cooperates with the software rendered virtual environment.  

The two eyes experience slightly different images due to being placed three inches apart. The brain fuses the images to create a stereoscopic display. This information is leveraged into the creation of virtual reality. Instead of one single picture being displayed on a screen, VR application replicates the phenomenon and displays two identical pictures which compels the viewers’ brain to perceive a sense of depth and believe the illusion of a multi-dimensional image.

Applications of Virtual reality 

Virtual reality is already being used in several industries. Here are a few prominent ones- 

  • Architecture- VR in architecture makes it easier to communicate the design and intent precisely. 
  •  Entertainment- People can avail of virtual tours to any place of their choice sitting right in one place, and engage with the exhibits, concerts, museum, gallery etc.
  • Brand marketing- Digital experience offered by VR can help brands promote their products and services through an immersive and unique experience. Several VR agencies like Upreal provide exceptional services to engage audience with their favorite brands.

Virtual reality is expanding its realm to several other fields like arts, medicine, sports etc. steadily. It is already so much developed in its initial stages that it can only be imagined what it can achieve in the near future. It can lead to stunning advancements in innumerable fields. It is well-integrated into our present and has the power to shape our future. 

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